Today has been a day. Or should I say one hour of my day has been a day.
I woke up with a dull headache and have been utterly exhausted all day.
I managed to make it to dinner time. I took the easy way out and gave the kids hotdogs and potato salad. Only to be told by Riley that she no longer likes hot dogs and hates potato salad.
I had finally started to relax a bit when I realized we had no water. My son, Jack also decided it was a good idea to put a box of tissues in the toilet. As I scooped up the tissues trying to unclog the toilet. I realized I have no water to wash my hands. Hand sanitizer will have to do for now.
Riley went upstairs to finish cleaning her room. Her room has been a disaster lately of toys, art projects and art supplies, beads, nail polish mixed with clothes and shoes spread throughout. She has been expressing herself through art and fashion lately.
It was finally quiet. Jack was finally relaxed and then Riley comes down the steps.
Happy as could be she proclaimed, “I cut my hair!” I took a deep breath and said, “Yes, you did cut your hair… a lot” I could feel myself getting angry. With my blood boiling and sweaty palms, I took another deep breath and took a better look at how bad it was.
It’s bad, and she will definitely be visiting the hairdresser. I realize it’s just hair. It will grow back.
A part of me feels like this is another rite of passage as a mom. Another part of me just wants to cry. I also want to take a shower, but I still have no running water.
I think today calls for an early bedtime for me and maybe some chocolate. And I keep reminding myself that tomorrow is a new day.
As I type this, Jack is throwing water bottles at me while laughing. Riley is crying about her hair and exclaiming she is starving.
Bedtime will have to wait for now, but chocolate and my pillow are calling my name.