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Monthly Archives: April 2022

Saying Yes to Living Life

Doing something for the first time is scary. I saw the uneasiness and fear in my daughter’s eyes this past weekend before she ran her first 5k. She did it though. She faced her anxiety in the face and ran a 5k. Her face was beaming as she crossed the finish line. It definitely was a proud mama moment. I admire my daughter for conquering her fear and doing new things even if they…

Reopened Wounds

A fog. That’s the best way to describe my mind lately. The last few months I’ve been in constant motion but without clarity. I’ve had a fogginess that has prevented me from seeing the full picture. The full picture that my life may be messy, but it’s still beautiful. I’ve had multiple triggers that have only intensified my lack of clarity. Triggers that cut deep and open up wounds that…